Online Counseling Services

Our Dallas Team

Dallas, Texas

Welcome to Alethia Counseling in Dallas, Texas

Let’s take a walk.

Our symbol is the compass, because our goal is to better navigate all people asking for help. Not to lead the way, but to move forward together. Making the decision to come to counseling (as well as the counseling process itself) can be difficult. Everyone needs some counseling from time-to-time, but it takes a certain amount of health to get it! We applaud you for looking. Here is some information about us that will hopefully help you move toward making a wise, informed decision.


Lonna Huang

Licensed Professional Counselor

The Greek word for counselor is “Paraklete.”

Think “two pairs of shoes.”

It refers to a person that comes to walk alongside others.

Too many people attempt to journey down all the paths alone. There are times, and paths, when we need someone alongside to encourage, support, and help us.

We look forward to hearing from you


Alethia Dallas

12740 Hillcrest Rd. ST 270 Dallas, TX 75230

Office Hours

Friday to Monday
(4 pm - 7 pm)

* Limited sessions available after hours and on weekends.

“Alethia” is the Greek word for “truth – revealed, discovered, and to be made known…”

We want to help you and those you live in the Dallas to discover how to live life to the fullest in the city with no limits.
