Online Counseling Services

play therapy services in Houston, Texas

Bringing healthy recovery to challenging circumstances

Play therapy near me?

The following HOU counselors specialize in play therapy. They understand the intricacies of childhood emotions and the lifechanging benefit of understanding them. They have specific giftings and experiences to provide help during this vulnerable life stage, not to mention the empathy needed to walk alongside children as they navigate healthy responses to their very real experiences.


Ryan Oakley

Licensed Professional Counselor - Supervisor
Executive Director

The counseling relationship is one that has intrigued me for years, but deeper still is my passion for stories. Therapy is an excellent way to find answers, to discover the truth, and confront your greatest challenges. I am passionate about helping anyone tell their story, no matter how difficult the details. I have been exposed to some of the more serious cases of mental health disorders in East Texas and specialize in trauma processing, depression, and relationship dynamics. It is my desire to use the best techniques available to apply the optimal fit for you. You can learn more about me on my website. Ryan is an approved Supervisor for LPC Associates as of 11/13/2024.

Ryan’s rate is $150/hr
Please send resumes for the East Texas location to Ryan at

Ryan is a Lyra Provider, a Hello Alma Provider, and trained in EMDR.
