Sex and Marriage: Unlocking and Restoring the Power of Sex through Biblical and Psychological Insight
In Sex and Marriage, Chris Legg, LPC, and Mark Legg condense more than two decades of counseling and teaching on romance, love, marriage, and, of course, sex, into a book.
Sex and Marriage: Unlocking and Restoring the Power of Sex through Biblical and Psychological Insight is my passion project two years in the making. It condenses over two decades of counseling and teaching experience on romance, love, marriage, and, of course, sex, into a book. In Sex and Marriage, we cover how to cultivate sexual intimacy, why spouses misunderstand each other about sex, and practical ways to restore the beautiful, free, joyful, and powerful sex lives God wants for us. We accomplish this through psychological research, biblical study, and practical application in a readable, informal tone that we think you’ll enjoy. We were blessed enough to have two of the most insightful people in the field, Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn, write our forward. They’re the bestselling authors of For Men Only and For Women Only and a major inspiration for our work. They graciously wrote,
“[A] remarkable book . . .Chris and Mark show an amazing gift for synthesizing big thoughts and research studies into actionable insights.”